United Methodist Men

United Methodist Men Commitment
As a member of the UNITED METHODIST MEN, I commit myself to:
- Seek daily Christ’s way of life through prayer and Bible reading;
- Bear witness to this way in my daily work and all personal contacts through my words and actions;
- Engage in some definite Christian service by recognizing that I work in partnership with God in the stewardship of my life.
I will remember my commitment to Jesus Christ and His church and that I am a part of something of real importance to my church and my community.
Membership is on a calendar year basis and must be renewed through the fellowship of United Methodist Men.
Calling All Men
All men are welcome in the United Methodist Men. There are no dues and all that is required is being interested! Following is a list of areas of activity and the man responsible. If you have a particular interest please contact the office or the person listed below.
Scouting – Ken Roemer, Email: kdroemer@gmail.com
Spiritual Growth – J. D. Chanley, Email: john_chanley@yahoo.com
Outdoors Program – Greg Johnson, Email: 417locks@gmail.com
Church Yard Maintenance – Tom Mais, Email: tommais46@gmail.com
Officers elected for 2017-2018 are:
Tom Mais – President Email: tommais46
Marshall Miller – Vice President Email: mfmiller@cableone.net
Ken Roemer – Secretary Email: kdroemer@gmail.com
Bob Potter – Treasurer Email: bobp@fumchurch.org